THE PICTURE (Short Stories For Kids)
Let's read the story of "Browny and Bee" (Chapter 6) It was a bright Sunday ,Browny was very excited as he was going to Lisa's place to help with her assignment .He packs Bee with his books inside a bag and leaves. Short Stories For Kids " Bee you should keep quiet in front of Lisa as she is able to hear you.....OKK?????" Browny says .They soon reach the house,Browny had never seen the house from inside.It was huge as a palace,. " Hi Browny,come this way my room is upstairs " Lisa says from behind. " Wow your house is so huge,How many people live here? "Browny asks Lisa in a surprised tone.She laughs and replies " Me,my mom and Dad,My grandmother passed away few months ago.". She looked very sad talking about her grandmother. Short Stories For Kids Lisa's room was very huge and well decorated ,both sit quietly and start working on their assignment." Wow this was so easy,thank you Brown...