A KIND GIRL CALLED HANNA(Short Stories For Kids)

Let's read the story of A Kind Girl "HANNA"

Once there was a girl called Hanna ,She lived with her stepmother and stepsister Lina .They were always mean to her ,they made Hanna do all the house chores alone. Hanna was very kind and never felt bad about it.
     One day the step mother sends Hanna to forest for collecting some fresh fruits. It was very cold ,Step mother gives her a really thin sweater. Poor Hanna was shivering but obeys her step mothers order.

 On her way suddenly she hears a voice from back, it was a tree talking............

Short Stories For Kids ,Short Stories For Kids in English,Bedtime stories
Short Stories For Kids

"Oh young Lady, I am shivering in this cold. Can you please give me your sweater.?" The tree cries. 

Short Stories For Kids,Short Stories For Kids in English,Bedtime stories
Short Stories For Kids

Hanna couldn't see the tree in pain and gives him the only sweater she had. Suddenly the tree turns into a fairy.
Hanna was surprised to see the fairy and greets her with respect. The fairy points out a sharp knife lying in front of her and asks Hanna to pick it up and give it to her. Hanna does as asked.
Fairy was very happy with Hanna and says " You are a very kind lady. I would like to give you something Whenever you speak ..gold ,diamonds and pearls will pop out of your mouth". Fairy fickle her wand.
Short Stories For Kids, Short Stories For Kids in English, Bedtime stories
Short Stories For Kids

Hanna was very happy, she comes back home and narrates everything that happened in the forest to her step mother.
The next day step mother sends her daughter to the forest for some fresh fruits. It was very cold so she gives Lina a thick sweater to protect herself. On her way Lina meets the talking tree. The tree again asks her to give the sweater but Lina refuses.
The tree turns into a fairy and asks Lina to pick up the knife and give it to her. Lina does as asked.
Fairy gets angry with Lina and curse her that whenever she will speak toads ,snakes will pop out of her mouth.
Lina asks Fairy "why are you cursing me ,I did the same as Hanna ".
Fairy replies "passing me the knife was your test you picked up the wooden part and passed me the razor edge ,so that you don't get hurt. Whereas Hanna she picked up the razor edge carefully and passed me the wooden part so that I do not get hurt. Your selfishness has brought you where you are now." Saying that Fairy disappears.

Lina  reaches back home and cries over her selfish nature..
Short Stories For Kids,Short Stories For Kids in English,Bedtime stories
Short Stories For Kids

(Short Stories For Kids)....

Bedtime Stories..


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